Bring up every point of LDS doctrine in the KING JAMES BIBLE instantly with this ultimate, quick-draw, must-have "member missionary" app!
Be as confident and bold with the Gospel as ever with this comprehensive, rapid-fire, "master key" to finding any LDS doctrinal point in the King James Holy Bible - within seconds!
You will easily lead Gospel discussions with your non-member Christian friends just by using the King James Holy Bible - the one book they already trust and believe in! This app guarantees that you will never be confounded no matter how well-read your mainstream Christian friend may be, from congregation members all the way up to their paid ministry.
The results of a comprehensive 8-year Bible study project, these are the Gospel Doctrine points of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints as found in the King James Holy Bible ONLY. With this app at the ready, you will be able to engage in any gospel conversation with anybody - anytime and anywhere - and you will be able to show any non-member Christian friend what's REALLY in their Bibles!
This app instantly solves the problem of "Bible-weak" members of the church who want to have Gospel conversations with their non-member Christian friends who trust the Bible ONLY.
BONUS: Do you ever find yourself on the defensive from anti-Mormon critics/challengers? Flip the tables by instantly turning it into a missionary opportunity! Being able to point out every doctrinal point of the LDS faith in their own Bible is the last thing any non-member is expecting (or prepared for) from a Mormon - especially if your countering their challenges as fast as they can offer them - while offering LDS doctrinal points of your own as responses - right out of the Bible they already trust!
I have released this guide as a hand-out/"packet" to the missionaries for many years, and the Missionaries have come to absolutely love it. They consider it the "Rosetta Stone" to the King James Bible, the perfect "Master Key" if you will. And it has become a very popular missionary tool in its own right. And now it is my pleasure to bring it to everyone as an instant, "shoot-from-the-hip", beautifully simplistic, menu-driven pocket app that can be used as an incredible missionary tool for any member missionary.
This app is specifically designed to help you lead scriptural-based missionary conversations with your non-member friends who already believe in the Bible. You will definitely get them thinking REALLY hard. And your days of being "Bible weak" are over.
-Nearly every conceivable LDS point of doctrine as found in the King James Holy Bible. No other "specifically LDS" scriptural volume/reference required.
-Quick-draw menu system that allows you to get to any LDS doctrine in the King James Bible within just a few seconds.
- Bible references presented in easily-understood "LDS perspective" descriptions for quick identification and understanding.
-Instantly move from doctrinal point to point as gospel conversations or challenges quickly change pace and topics. YOU are in control of this conversation!
-Quick-n-easy, one-handed, single-touch text size zoom function to accommodate anyone's visual text size preferences instantly.
-Totally safe: no special app permissions required!
Compatibility: Runs on all Android phones and tablets! Supports all known standard and most non-standard screen sizes.
Please feel free to leave a review, and know that your suggestions and comments will be carefully considered by the author.
Latter-Day Saints
Latter Day Saints
Joseph Smith
Brigham Young
Book of Mormon
Doctrine and Covenants
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Missionary Pal</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">把摩门教教义的每一点瞬间极致,快速绘制在国王詹姆斯圣经,必须具备“成员传教士”应用程序!
自信和大胆的全面,快速火的福音如初,“万能钥匙”在几秒钟内找到任何摩门教教义点在国王詹姆斯圣经 - !
你会很容易导致与非会员的基督徒朋友只需使用国王詹姆斯圣经“ - 一本书,他们已经相信,相信福音的讨论!这个程序保证,你将永远不会被混淆不管如何读主流基督教的朋友可能会众成员,一路到他们支付部委的。
8年的全面圣经研究项目的结果,这是耶稣基督后期圣徒教会的福音教义点在国王詹姆斯圣经只发现。有了这个程序,在准备,你将能够从事任何与任何人 - 随时随地福音谈话 - 你将能够显示任何非会员的基督徒朋友,什么是真正的在他们的“圣经”!
奖金:你有没有发现自己在防守上反摩门教批评/挑战者?翻转表的瞬间把它变成一个传教士的机会!能够指出每一个理论点的摩门教信仰在自己的圣经,是过去的事情,任何非成员预期(或准备)从一个摩门教徒 - 特别是如果你的打击快,因为他们可以为他们提供他们面临的挑战 - 而摩门教教义点右出“圣经”,他们已经相信自己的反应 - !
- 引用圣经容易理解“LDS角度”快速识别和理解的描述。
传教士帕尔</div> <div class="show-more-end">